Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DIY DIVAS Watermelon Mask

Watermelon juice contain a variety of important health benefits and beauty of the chemical constituents. Watermelon of these nutrients, easy absorption by the skin, for the facial skin, have the effect of moisture, nutrition, sun protection, whitening.Skin beauty Effects: removal melasma, add Water, sedation
Method 1: cut the white watermelon skin in to 2 mm thickness slice, use the watermelon skin gently massage the face, with the effect of ease sedation and add water.
Method 2: The whole watermelon, wash clean, peel the green skin, and then cut of the white skin into slice, then apply to the face and arms, about five minutes change the new watermelon skin, a total of four times, and then rinse off with clean water.

My favorite cutting the watermelon slice in to 4 cubed chunks and mashing it with or fork or spoon until it becomes smooth. Then apply to the face for a about 20 minutes and then rinse off.

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